Toets, quiz e.d.
Toets, quiz e.d.
Links naar toetsen, tests, quizes, games, tentamenvragen enz. op het gebied van microbiologie.
Website van Eus van Hove
Basisvaardigheden microbiologie, zelftests, action mazes, webQuests en video's, Kweektechnieken, Microscopie, Kleurtechnieken, Groei van bacteriën, Inperking bacteriegroei, Identificatie, Kwantificeren, Bodemmicrobiologie,
Watermicrobiologie, Voeding, DNA technieken, Medische microbiologie.
AIOS Kennistoets Medische Microbiologie 2013
Ned. Ver. voor AIOS Medische Microbiologie
Hygienecode voor het slagersbedrijf
Toetsvragen en antwoorden e-learning, bacterie, voeding/voedsel, 38 vragen over keuken, productie, opslag, hygiene, desinfectie enz.
Biologie voor het MLO Microorganismen
zelftests met 10 MC-vragen ook voor Biotechnologie en infectieziekten
The Student Nurse Forum
Self tests en Basic Concepts & TerminologyGenetics & Bacterial MetabolismBacterial DiseasesParasitic Diseases
Viruses & Immunology
Scienc Prof Online Microbiology test questions
test questions for: general microbiology, cell structure,& function, genetics, types of cellular microbes, viruses, microbial growth & metabolism, immunology
Student Learning Assessments in Microbiology Database (SLAMD). (link helaas nog niet beschikbaar)
WHAT IS THE STUDENT LEARNING ASSESSMENTS IN MICROBIOLOGY DATABASE (SLAMD)? The Student Learning Assessments in Microbiology Database, or SLAMD, is a new MicrobeLibrary collection of peer-reviewed multiple choice and true/false questions designed especially for interactive learning using audience response systems. The questions are also of value for pre- and post-tests or traditional exams, and may be used in the classroom or laboratory or on-line in blended-and distance-learning experiences. The question bank is a repository of original multiple choice questions for both lower- and higher-order thinking skills that are aligned with ASM’s Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology Education. Lower-order thinking multiple choice questions corresponding to Bloom’s level one or two (knowledge/comprehension) that faculty can use to break up their lectures and get immediate feedback from students on content just discussed. Higher-order multiple choice questions (Bloom’s level 3 – application- or higher) to get better feedback on the student’s ability to apply knowledge.
- Micro Organisms
- Bacteria Morphology
- Cell Cultures and Characteristics
- Enzymes Regulation
- Microbial Metabolism
- Microbial Genetics
- DNA Replication
- Translation and Regulation
- Microbial Recombination and Gene Transfer
- Immune System
- Antigen Antibody Reaction
- Bacteria
- Streptococcus
- Clostridium
- Actinomycetes and Non Sporing Anaerobes
- Brucella
- Vibrio, Aeromonas and Plesiomonas
- Protozon
- Viruses
- Viruses in Eukaryotes
- Poxviridae and Picronaviridae
- Hepatitis Viruses
- Physical and Chemical Agents
- Microbiology of Soils
- Microbiology of Waste Water
- Microbiology of Foods
- Sauerkraut and Pickles
- Fish and Sea Foods
- Wine and Beer
- Miscellaneous Foods
- Microorganisms and Disease
- Identification of Bacteria
- Cell Cultivations
- Growth and Nutrition of Bacteria
- Enzyme Reaction
- Energy Release and Conservation
- Nucleic Acid Structure
- Transcription
- DNA Sequencing, Mutation and Repair
- Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Antibody
- Immune Response
- Staplylococcus
- Bacillus
- Mycobacterium
- Spirochacter and Enterobacteriaceac
- Pseudomonas and Burkholderia
- Fungi - Molds and Yeasts
- Algae
- Bacteriophages
- Viruses From Animal and Plants
- Rhabdoviridae, Caliciviridae and Astroviridae
- Retroviridae
- Antimicrobial Chemotherapeutic Agents
- Microbes in Aquatic Environment
- Industrially Useful Microbial Processes
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Milk and Milk Products
- Poultry, Egg and Meat
- Heated Canned Foods
- Food Illness
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