Laboratorium, practica
Laboratorium, practica
Informatie over microbiologische laboratoria, practica, experimenten enz.

DNA, genen, genomen en het moderne DNA-onderzoek. Met de Reizende DNA-labs haal je deze onderwerpen naar de klas. Leerlingen gaan zelf aan de slag met de nieuwste technieken. En het mooie is - de Reizende DNA-labs komen naar de school toe!
Er zijn zes verschillende DNA-labs, die ieder een verschillend aspect van het moderne DNA-onderzoek behandelen. Stuk voor stuk laten de DNA-labs zien dat kennis van genen en de moleculen in een cel een grote rol speelt in gebieden die voor iedereen belangrijk zijn: voeding, gezondheid en het milieu. Daarnaast maken de practica duidelijk dat wetenschappelijke vooruitgang soms maatschappelijke vragen oproept.
De DNA-labs zijn bedoeld voor leerlingen in 4, 5 en 6 havo/vwo. Bij de beschrijving van ieder DNA-lab staat aangegeven wat de benodigde voorkennis is. Nadat u zich aangemeld heeft voor één van de reizende DNA-labs, bezoeken twee studenten van de betreffende universiteit uw school en verzorgen het practicum. Het practicum duurt twee aaneengesloten lesuren en de studenten nemen alle benodigde materialen en apparatuur mee. U hoeft dus voor het praktische gedeelte niets voor te bereiden. Wel vragen we u een les aan (theoretische) voorbereiding te besteden en in een afsluitende les het practicum af te ronden.
ELAB Journal
Web-based Electronic Lab Notebook
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eLabJournal supports all features essential to document laboratory information, including project management, SOP/protocols/procedure design, inventory- and stock management, experiment design and planning, data storage and analysis any many other features.
Practicum Klinische microbiologie
Professor Peter Vandamme Universiteit Gent academiejaar 2007-2008
ASM Laboratory protocol
Laboratory Protocols are information briefs about standard laboratory tests and include the procedural steps as well as the purpose, theory, history, safety considerations, tips and comments, and references.
- Authors: Marise A. Hussey 1, Anne Zayaitz 2
Citation: Marise A. Hussey, Anne Zayaitz. 2008. Acid-fast stain protocols.
- Publication Year: 2008
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocols for using the acid-fast stain in the microbiology lab.
Animal Cells in Culture Protocols
- Authors: Erica Suchman 1, Carol Blair 2
Citation: Erica Suchman, Carol Blair. 2007. Animal cells in culture protocols.
- Publication Year: 2007
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocols for Animal cells in culture
Bacterial Agglutination Protocol
- Author: D. Sue Katz 1
Citation: D. Sue Katz. 2011. Bacterial agglutination protocol.
- Publication Year: 2011
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Agglutination is the reaction between surface antigens of bacteria and antigen-specific antibodies. The agglutination reaction is a useful tool both in identifying bacterial isolates and diagnosing infection through the detection of bacterial-specific antibodies in samples.
Bacterial Flagella Stain Protocol
- Author: Jay Mellies 1
Citation: Jay Mellies. 2008. Bacterial flagella stain protocol.
- Publication Year: 2008
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocol for bacterial flagella stain.
Bacteriological Examination of Waters: Membrane Filtration Protocol
- Authors: Brian Forster1, Catalina Arango Pinedo 1
Citation: Brian Forster, Catalina Arango Pinedo. 2015. Bacteriological examination of waters: membrane filtration protocol.
- Publication Year: 2015
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
The membrane filtration technique is used to examine water samples from different sources. The membrane is incubated on an agar plate. Bacterial (and other) cells trapped on the membrane will grow into colonies that can be counted, and a bacterial density of the water samples can be calculated.
Blood Agar Plates and Hemolysis Protocols
- Author: Rebecca Buxton1
Citation: Rebecca Buxton. 2005. Blood agar plates and hemolysis protocols.
- Publication Year: 2005
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocols for using blood agar plates to teach hemolysis in the microbiology laboratory.
- Author: Anne Hanson1
Citation: Anne Hanson. 2006. Camp test protocols.
- Publication Year: 2006
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocols for using CAMP Test in the Microbiology lab.
- Authors: Roxana B. Hughes 1, Ann C. Smith 2
Citation: Roxana B. Hughes, Ann C. Smith. 2007. Capsule stain protocols.
- Publication Year: 2007
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocols for using capsule stain
Carbohydrate Fermentation Protocol
- Author: Karen Reiner1
Citation: Karen Reiner. 2012. Carbohydrate fermentation protocol.
- Publication Year: 2012
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Carbohydrate fermentation tests aid in determining the ability of microorganisms to ferment a specific carbohydrate. Fermentation patterns can be used to differentiate among bacterial groups or species. Fermentation reactions are detected by the color change of a pH indicator as acid products are formed. A color change only occurs when enough acid products have been produced by fermentation of the carbohydrate to lower the pH to 6.8 or less. Another by-product of fermentation is gas, which may be hydrogen or carbon dioxide. If a Durham tube is added to the fermentation broth, the presence of a gas bubble at the top of the tube is another indication that fermentation of the carbohydrate has taken place. While fermentation tests can be performed on microorganisms other than bacteria, this protocol only addresses fermentation of carbohydrates by bacteria.
- Author: Karen Reiner1
Citation: Karen Reiner. 2010. Catalase test protocol.
- Publication Year: 2010
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
The catalase test is used to detect the presence of the enzyme catalase in bacteria. Catalase serves to neutralize the bactericidal effects of hydrogen peroxide. Its concentration in bacteria has been correlated with pathogenicity. This enzymatic test is essential in the scheme of identification for gram-positive organisms and certain gram-negative organisms. It is a primary test used in the differentiation of staphylococci and streptococci.
- Author: Maria P. MacWilliams1
Citation: Maria P. MacWilliams. 2009. Citrate test protocol.
- Publication Year: 2009
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Simmons citrate agar tests for the ability of an organism to use citrate as the sole carbon and energy source. This biochemical test is often performed as part of the IMViC tests.
- Author: D. Sue Katz1
Citation: D. Sue Katz. 2010. Coagulase test protocol.
- Publication Year: 2010
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
This protocol describes the history and procedures of the coagulase test. The coagulase test is used to differentiate species of Staphylococcus, especially the coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus from coagulase-negative staphylococcal species. Both common versions of the test, the slide method and the test tube method, are described, and the mechanisms of the reactions are discussed.
- Authors: Donald Breakwell 1, Bryan MacDonald 2, Christopher Woolverton 3, Kyle Smith 4, Richard Robison 5
Citation: Donald Breakwell, Bryan MacDonald, Christopher Woolverton, Kyle Smith, Richard Robison. 2007. Colony morphology protocol.
- Publication Year: 2007
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocol for Colony morphology
Cytopathic Effects of Viruses Protocols
- Authors: Erica Suchman 1, Carol Blair 2
Citation: Erica Suchman, Carol Blair. 2007. Cytopathic effects of viruses protocols.
- Publication Year: 2007
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocols for using Cytopathic Effects of Viruses
- Authors: Archana Lal1, Naowarat Cheeptham 2
Citation: Archana Lal, Naowarat Cheeptham. 2015. Decarboxylase broth protocol.
- Publication Year: 2015
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
The decarboxylase media, used to identify bacteria's ability to decarboxylate amino acids, were first introduced by Moeller for detecting lysine and ornithine decarboxylase and arginine dihydrolase among bacteria belonging to Enterobacteriaceae. The Moeller's basal media contained peptone, beef extract, bromocresol purple, cresol red, pyridoxal, and glucose. To test decarboxylase activity, 1% of the appropriate amino acid was added. The medium was poured in narrow tubes as a column of about 2 cm in height and autoclaved, after which a layer of about 5 mm sterile paraffin oil was poured in each tube. The decarboxylase activity was measured onthe basis of a pH rise of the amino acid reagent that was made visible by an indicator. After incubation the color changes in the tubes were followed for up to 10 days.
- Author: Samuel Fan 1
Citation: Samuel Fan. 2006. Elisa protocols.
- Publication Year: 2006
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocols for using ELISA in the Microbiology lab.
- Authors: Marise A. Hussey 1, Anne Zayaitz 2
Citation: Marise A. Hussey, Anne Zayaitz. 2007. Endospore stain protocol.
- Publication Year: 2007
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocol for using endospore stain
Eosin-Methylene Blue Agar Plates Protocol
- Authors: Archana Lal 1, Naowarat Cheeptham 2
Citation: Archana Lal, Naowarat Cheeptham. 2007. Eosin-methylene blue agar plates protocol.
- Publication Year: 2007
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocol for eosin-methylene blue agar
Gelatin Hydrolysis Test Protocol
- Authors: Thomas Edison E. dela Cruz1, Jeremy Martin O. Torres2
Citation: Thomas Edison E. dela Cruz, Jeremy Martin O. Torres. 2012. Gelatin hydrolysis test protocol.
- Publication Year: 2012
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
The gelatin hydrolysis test is used to detect the ability of microorganisms to produce the enzyme gelatinase. This test is helpful in identifying and differentiating species of Bacillus, Clostridium, Proteus, Pseudomonas, and Serratia. In this protocol, the history, theory, procedure, and interpretation of results will be discussed in detail.
- Authors: Ann C. Smith1, Marise A. Hussey2
Citation: Ann C. Smith, Marise A. Hussey. 2005. Gram stain protocols.
- Publication Year: 2005
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocols for using the Gram stains in the microbiology laboratory.
- Author: Jan Hudzicki1
Citation: Jan Hudzicki. 2010. Hektoen enteric agar protocol.
- Publication Year: 2010
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Hektoen enteric agar is a selective and differential media for the recovery of enteric gram-negative rods from mixed microbiota. The growth of gram-positive organisms and nonpathogenic enteric coliforms is inhibited through the use of bile salts and dyes, allowing intestinal pathogens, such as Salmonella and Shigella, to be more easily recovered. The media can also differentiate between organisms that produce H2S and those that do not due to the presence of an iron-containing compound. The use and interpretation of growth on this media is discussed in this protocol.
- Author: Maria P. MacWilliams1
Citation: Maria P. MacWilliams. 2009. Indole test protocol.
- Publication Year: 2009
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
The indole test screens for the ability of an organism to degrade the amino acid tryptophan to produce indole. This biochemical test is often performed to distinguish among the Enterbacteriaceae.
Kirby-Bauer Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Test Protocol
- Author: Jan Hudzicki1
Citation: Jan Hudzicki. 2009. Kirby-bauer disk diffusion susceptibility test protocol.
- Publication Year: 2009
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocol for using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion susceptibility test in the microbiology lab.
Luria Broth (LB) and Luria Agar (LA) Media and Their Uses Protocol
- Authors: Maria P. MacWilliams 1, Min-Ken Liao 2
Citation: Maria P. MacWilliams, Min-Ken Liao. 2006. Luria broth (lb) and luria agar (la) media and their uses protocol.
- Publication Year: 2006
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocols for using LB and LA Media.
MacConkey Agar Plates Protocols
- Author: Mary E. Allen 1
Citation: Mary E. Allen. 2005. Macconkey agar plates protocols.
- Publication Year: 2005
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
The protocol and recipe for MacConkey agar.
Mannitol Salt Agar Plates Protocols
- Authors: Patricia Shields 1, Anne Y. Tsang 2
Citation: Patricia Shields, Anne Y. Tsang. 2006. Mannitol salt agar plates protocols.
- Publication Year: 2006
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocols for using Mannitol Salt Agar Plates in the Microbiology lab.
Methyl Red and Voges-Proskauer Test Protocols
- Author: Sylvia McDevitt1
Citation: Sylvia McDevitt. 2009. Methyl red and voges-proskauer test protocols.
- Publication Year: 2009
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
The methyl red and Voges-Proskauer tests are used to differentiate between bacteria based on the production of fermentation products when growing with glucose as the carbon source.
- Authors: Patricia Shields 1, Laura Cathcart 2
Citation: Patricia Shields, Laura Cathcart. 2011. Motility test medium protocol.
- Publication Year: 2011
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Motility test medium is used to determine the motility of bacteria. The motility test is used in the identification of bacteria since motility has long been recognized as an important taxonomic tool and biological characteristic of bacteria.
Nitrate and Nitrite Reduction Test Protocols
- Author: Rebecca Buxton 1
Citation: Rebecca Buxton. 2011. Nitrate and nitrite reduction test protocols.
- Publication Year: 2011
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
The nitrate and nitrite reduction test determines the ability of bacteria to produce the enzyme nitrate reductase and reduce nitrate and/or nitrite. The nitrate and nitrite test is useful for the identification of bacteria and separating members of the family Enterobacteriaceae from other gram-negative bacilli.
- Authors: Patricia Shields 1, Laura Cathcart 1
Citation: Patricia Shields, Laura Cathcart. 2010. Oxidase test protocol.
- Publication Year: 2010
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
The oxidase test is used to detect the presence of the enzyme cytochrome oxidase in microorganisms. While used as a taxonomic tool for many microorganisms, the test was established initially to differentiate Neisseria spp. (oxidase positive) from Acinetobacter (oxidase negative) and Pseudomonas spp. (oxidase positive) from the Enterobacteriaceae (oxidase negative).
Oxidative-Fermentative Test Protocol
- Author: Anne Hanson 1
Citation: Anne Hanson. 2008. Oxidative-fermentative test protocol.
- Publication Year: 2008
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocol for using oxidative-fermentative test in the microbiology lab.
Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar Protocol
- Authors: Archana Lal 1, Naowarat Cheeptham 2
Citation: Archana Lal, Naowarat Cheeptham. 2011. Phenylethyl alcohol agar protocol.
- Publication Year: 2011
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Phenylethyl alcohol agar (PEA) is a selective medium that permits the growth of gram-positive cocci while inhibiting most gram-negative organisms. PEA agar is used for the isolation of gram-positive Staphylococcus species and Streptococcus species from clinical specimens or specimens that contain mixtures of bacterial flora.
- Authors: Marie Panec 1, D. Sue Katz 2
Citation: Marie Panec, D. Sue Katz. 2006. Plaque assay protocols.
- Publication Year: 2006
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
The Protocol and Recipe for Plaque Assay.
Polymerase Chain Reaction Protocol
- Author: Erica Suchman1
Citation: Erica Suchman. 2011. Polymerase chain reaction protocol.
- Publication Year: 2011
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to amplify a specific region of DNA from samples containing a large diversity of heterogeneous DNA sequences and possibly very low amounts of target DNA.
Preparing Spread Plates Protocols
- Author: Kathryn Wise 1
Citation: Kathryn Wise. 2006. Preparing spread plates protocols.
- Publication Year: 2006
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocols for Preparing Spread Plates.
Sabouraud Agar for Fungal Growth Protocols
- Author: Janelle Hare1
Citation: Janelle Hare. 2008. Sabouraud agar for fungal growth protocols.
- Publication Year: 2008
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocols for using sabouraud agar for fungal growth.
- Author: Jackie Reynolds 1
Citation: Jackie Reynolds. 2005. Serial dilution protocols.
- Publication Year: 2005
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocol for using serial dilutions in the microbiology lab.
- Authors: Archana Lal1, Naowarat Cheeptham2
Citation: Archana Lal, Naowarat Cheeptham. 2012. Starch agar protocol.
- Publication Year: 2012
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Starch agar is a differential medium that tests the ability of an organism to produce the extracellular enzymes a-amylase and oligo-1,6-glucosidase that hydrolyze starch. In this protocol, the history, procedure, and interpretation of results of this useful agar medium are discussed in detail.
- Author: D. Sue Katz1
Citation: D. Sue Katz. 2008. The streak plate protocol.
- Publication Year: 2008
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Protocol for preparing Spreak Plates.
Transformation of Escherichia coli Made Competent by Calcium Chloride Protocol
- Author: Anh-Hue T. Tu 1
Citation: Anh-Hue T. Tu. 2008. Transformation of escherichia coli made competent by calcium chloride protocol.
- Publication Year: 2008
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
In this protocol, calcium chloride induced competency of Escherichia coli followed by transformation is described.
Triple Sugar Iron Agar Protocols
- Author: Donald Lehman 1
Citation: Donald Lehman. 2005. Triple sugar iron agar protocols.
- Publication Year: 2005
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
The protocol and recipe for the Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) agar test.
- Author: Benita Brink1
Citation: Benita Brink. 2010. Urease test protocol.
- Publication Year: 2010
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Production of the enzyme urease is characteristic of the Proteeae and a few other members of the Enterobacteriaceae among others. Urease is a constitutively produced enzyme that hydrolyzes urea with the resultant release of ammonia and carbon dioxide. The use of urea agar and urea broth for the detection of urease activity is described in this protocol.
Use of EC-MUG Media to Confirm Escherichia coli Contamination in Water Samples Protocol
- Authors: Naowarat Cheeptham1, Archana Lal2
Citation: Naowarat Cheeptham, Archana Lal. 2010. Use of ec-mug media to confirm escherichia coli contamination in water samples protocol.
- Publication Year: 2010
- Category: Protocol
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- Abstract:
Escherichia coli broth and Escherichia coli agar media with 4-methylumbelliferyl-ß-D-glucuronide are used to confirm the presence of Escherichia coli in water samples. In this protocol, the history, procedure, and interpretation of results of this useful technique are discussed in detail.