Presentaties voorjaarsvergadering
Presentaties sectie Onderwijs voorjaarsvergaderingen Papendal
De sectie Onderwijs organiseert elk jaar een sessie op de voorjaarsvergadering van de KNVM en de NVMM. Hieronder zijn de presentaties (als pdf-versie) chronologisch bijeengebracht.
Jaar | Titel | Sprekers | |||||||
2008 | Biodiesel from microalgae | Rene Wijfels | |||||||
2008 | The general public’s beliefs about methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: A Mental Models Approach | Fenne Verhoeven, University of Twente | |||||||
Thema 2009 De microbiologisch analist: van opleiding tot beroep | |||||||||
2009 | Automatisering en mechanisering in het microbiologisch laboratorium Invloed op opleiding? | Frans Keuren Streeklaboratorium voor de Volksgezondheid Kennemerland Haarlem | |||||||
2009 | De rol van de analist in testlaboratoria | Dick van den Berg | |||||||
2009 | Specialisatie Microbiologie (Mi) in het nieuwe curriculum Master Moleculaire Diagnostiek | Annelies van Goor Hogeschool Leiden | |||||||
Thema 2010 Microbiologie en de media: het vak in het nieuws | |||||||||
2010 | Communicatie Q-koorts | GGD Hart van Brabant | |||||||
2010 | Communicatie Q-koorts | Reint Jan Renes Universiteit Wageningen | |||||||
2010 | Geit en Griep in de krant | Wim Kohler NRC | |||||||
2010 | Nieuwe ontwikkelingen website sectie Onderwijs | Henk Tubbing Mabis | |||||||
Thema 2011 (R)evolution in microbial education | |||||||||
2011 | Is microbiology gendered? | J.W. Bennett | |||||||
2011 | Microbiology outreach, how the mushroom got its spots and other stories | Sue Assinger | |||||||
2011 | Telemicrobiology, a new approach to capacity building | MD de Jong Schultsz | |||||||
2011 | How to build a bacterium. IGEM | O.P. Kuipers | |||||||
Thema 2012 Microbial education & social media | |||||||||
2012 | Distant learning | M. Reij Wageningen University | |||||||
2012 | Post-doctoral learning | J. Mouton | |||||||
2012 | Social media and infection control | L. van Velsen | |||||||
2012 | Social media and microbiology education | A.J. Cann | |||||||
Thema 2013 Computer-assisted Teaching | |||||||||
2013 | Creating efficient laboratory classes using E-tools | Koos van der Kolk | |||||||
2013 | Is social media remotely useful in communicating science? | Paul Duprex | |||||||
2013 | The tablet PC in the classroom | Nico Boot Hogeschool Leiden | |||||||
2013 | Improved quality using less teachers | Han Wosten Univ. Utrecht | |||||||
Thema 2015 Challenging Tools and Best Practices to Educate the Next Generation Microbiologists | |||||||||
2015 | Taking a scientific approach to Science Education | Peter van Beukelen | |||||||
2015 | Last comes first! | Els de Hulu ICLON | |||||||
2015 | Tricks and experience with computer-driven practical courses in microbiology | Girbe Buist Medical Microbiology UMCG | |||||||
2015 | More than MOOCs | Fred Mulder | |||||||
Thema 2016 | |||||||||
2016 | Introductie sectie Onderwijs KNVM | Henk Tubbing | |||||||
2016 | The future of the microbiological technician | Ellen Hilhorst | |||||||
2016 | Kiest u maar! Stellingen voor discussie | Ellen Hilhorst en Martine Reij | |||||||
2016 | Team based learning in a medical microbiology course | Bas Zaat Medical Microbiology AMC | |||||||
2016 | How to stimulate students to design their own microbiological experiment | Ida Jongenburger Wageningen University | |||||||
Thema 2017 Big Data in our education | |||||||||
2017 | 'Big data': What do we need to teach? | Alex Friedrich UMCG | |||||||
2017 | Examples of teaching 'Big data' | Hauke Smidt | |||||||
2017 | 'Big data' in bio-informatics education: big deal or big bother? | Martijn Herber Hanze Hogeschool Groningen | |||||||
2017 | Mind the gab: including 'Big data' in our biomedical education | Maria Plug Hogeschool Leiden |